Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Avoiding Coyote Chaos

Whether you live in Laguna Beach or Chicago, coyotes have been causing quite a raucous lately. There have been many sightings where I live in recent weeks, not only in the canyon, but in neighborhoods. Here are some helpful tips to help keep you, your family and your pets safe. -Always keep your dog on a leash and avoid retractable leashes. -Keep your dogs close to you. If you spot a coyote, pick up your dog if it's small. If it's a bigger dog, bring it closer and put it behind you. -Carry a big stick on walks and hikes. -Officers advise not to leave food and water outside for our pets, especially during the drought. -Barking attracts coyotes during the December to March breeding season, so try to keep your dogs from barking and bring them in at night. -If you encounter a coyote, back slowly away while hazing it - yell, wave your arms, use a whistle or other noisemaker, use a squirt gun, throw rocks at it. -If you often see a coyote on your regular walking route, avoid that path for a few months. You may be passing a den with pups or a mate. -And lastly, pay attention while you're out walking. Be on the lookout. If you notice a coyote in the distance, as opposed to right in front of you, you have more time to figure out what to do and options to avoid it.

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